У слова «वही» есть 44 переводов в 18 языках
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переводы слова वही

HI RU русский 1 перевод
  • same [not different as regards self; identical]
HI ES испанский 1 перевод
  • mismo [not different as regards self; identical, the identical thing]
HI FR французский 1 перевод
  • même [not different as regards self; identical, the identical thing]
HI DE немецкий 2 переводов
  • derselbe [not different as regards self; identical, the identical thing]
  • selbe [not different as regards self; identical]
HI IT итальянский 2 переводов
  • stesso [not different as regards self; identical, the identical thing]
  • medesimo (adv adj pronoun) [not different as regards self; identical]
HI PT португальский 2 переводов
  • mesmo [not different as regards self; identical, the identical thing]
  • o mesmo (adv adj pronoun) [not different as regards self; identical]
HI NL голландский 2 переводов
  • dezelfde [not different as regards self; identical]
  • hetzelfde (adv adj pronoun) [not different as regards self; identical, the identical thing]
HI SV шведский 1 перевод
  • samma [not different as regards self; identical, the identical thing]
HI CS чешский 1 перевод
  • tentýž [not different as regards self; identical, the identical thing] {m}
HI PL польский 1 перевод
  • taki sam [not different as regards self; identical]
HI DA датский 1 перевод
  • samme [not different as regards self; identical, the identical thing]
HI HU венгерский 4 переводов
  • ugyanaz [not different as regards self; identical, the identical thing]
  • ugyanez (adv adj pronoun) [not different as regards self; identical]
  • ugyanolyan (adv adj pronoun) [not different as regards self; identical]
  • ugyanilyen (adv adj pronoun) [not different as regards self; identical]
HI AF африкаанс 3 переводов
  • dieselfde (adv adj pronoun) [the identical thing]
  • selfde (adv adj pronoun) [the identical thing] (adv adj pronoun)
  • selle (adv adj pronoun) [the identical thing] (adv adj pronoun)
HI SL словенский 3 переводов
  • isti [not different as regards self; identical] {m}
  • isto (adv adj pronoun) [the identical thing] {n}
  • ista {f}
HI ZH китайский 4 переводов
HI JA японский 4 переводов
  • 同じ (adv adj pronoun) [not different as regards self; identical] (adv adj pronoun)
  • 同じこと (adv adj pronoun) [the identical thing] (adv adj pronoun)
  • 同じもの (adv adj pronoun) [the identical thing] (adv adj pronoun)
  • 同じひと (adv adj pronoun) [the identical thing] (adv adj pronoun)
HI VI вьетнамский 1 перевод