У слова «przysiad» есть 7 переводов в 5 языках
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переводы слова przysiad

PL ES испанский 1 перевод
  • cuclillas (adj n v) [position assumed by bending deeply at the knees while resting on one's feet] (adj n v)
PL PT португальский 2 переводов
  • cócoras (adj n v) [position assumed by bending deeply at the knees while resting on one's feet] {f}
  • agachamento (adj n v) [position assumed by bending deeply at the knees while resting on one's feet] (adj n v)
PL DE немецкий 2 переводов
  • Hocke [position assumed by bending deeply at the knees while resting on one's feet] {f}
  • Kniebeuge {f}
PL SV шведский 1 перевод
  • huk (adj n v) [position assumed by bending deeply at the knees while resting on one's feet]
PL CS чешский 1 перевод
  • dřep (adj n v) [position assumed by bending deeply at the knees while resting on one's feet]