RU русский словарь: дар
У слова «дар» есть 138 переводов в 19 языках
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переводы слова дар
RU ES испанский 1 перевод
- presente (n) [something given liberally, Something given to another voluntarily, without charge] {f}
- habilidad (v n adj) [capacity to do something well] {f}
- don (n v) [A talent or natural ability] {m}
- donativo [a voluntary gift or contribution for a specific cause] {m}
- elocuencia (n) [ability to speak] {f}
- destreza (v n adj) [capacity to do something well] {f}
- maña (v n adj) [capacity to do something well] {f}
- regalo (n) [something given liberally, Something given to another voluntarily, without charge] {m}
- obsequio (n) [something given liberally] {m}
- dote (n) [something with which a person or thing is endowed] {f}
- donación [a voluntary gift or contribution for a specific cause, something given liberally] {f}
- talento [A talent or natural ability, capacity to do something well, marked ability or skill] {m}
- dotación (n) [something with which a person or thing is endowed] {f}
- dádiva (n) [something given liberally]
RU FR французский 1 перевод
- présent (n v) [Something given to another voluntarily, without charge] {m}
- capacité (v n adj) [capacity to do something well] {f}
- habileté (v n adj) [capacity to do something well] {f}
- talent [A talent or natural ability, marked ability or skill] {m}
- don (n v) [A talent or natural ability, something given liberally, capacity to do something well, Something given to another voluntarily, without charge] {m}
- donation [a voluntary gift or contribution for a specific cause] {f}
- cadeau [Something given to another voluntarily, without charge] {m}
- dotation (n) [something with which a person or thing is endowed]
RU PT португальский 1 перевод
- doação [a voluntary gift or contribution for a specific cause] {f}
- presente [Something given to another voluntarily, without charge] {m}
- habilidade (v n adj) [capacity to do something well] {f}
- dom (n v) [A talent or natural ability] {m}
- talento [A talent or natural ability, capacity to do something well, marked ability or skill] {m}
- dádiva (n) [something given liberally] {f}
RU IT итальянский 1 перевод
- presente [Something given to another voluntarily, without charge] {m}
- capacità (v n adj) [capacity to do something well] {f}
- abilità (v n adj) [capacity to do something well] {f}
- donazione [a voluntary gift or contribution for a specific cause] {m}
- regalo [Something given to another voluntarily, without charge, something given liberally] {m}
- dono [A talent or natural ability, Something given to another voluntarily, without charge, something given liberally] {m}
- talento [A talent or natural ability, marked ability or skill] {m}
RU DE немецкий 1 перевод
- Geschenk (n v) [Something given to another voluntarily, without charge, something given liberally] {n}
- Abgabe [a voluntary gift or contribution for a specific cause] (f)
- Sprachvermögen (n) [ability to speak] {n}
- Begabung [A talent or natural ability, marked ability or skill] {f}
- Fähigkeit (v n adj) [capacity to do something well] {f}
- Talent (v n adj) [capacity to do something well, marked ability or skill, A talent or natural ability] {n}
- Geschicklichkeit (v n adj) [capacity to do something well] {f}
- Gabe {f}
- Spende [Something given to another voluntarily, without charge, a voluntary gift or contribution for a specific cause] {f}
- Fertigkeit (v n adj) [capacity to do something well] {f}
- Kunst (v n adj) [capacity to do something well] {f}
- Präsent [Something given to another voluntarily, without charge] {n}
- Sprechfähigkeit (n) [ability to speak] (n)
RU NL голландский 1 перевод
- bekwaamheid (v n adj) [capacity to do something well] {f}
- gave (n v) [A talent or natural ability] {m}
- talent [marked ability or skill] {n}
- vaardigheid (v n adj) [capacity to do something well] {f}
- geschenk [Something given to another voluntarily, without charge, a gift; a ; a grant; a present] {n}
- cadeau (n v) [Something given to another voluntarily, without charge] {n}
- gift (n v) [Something given to another voluntarily, without charge, a gift; a ; a grant; a present, something with which a person or thing is endowed] {m}
- schenking [a voluntary gift or contribution for a specific cause] {f}
- presentje [Something given to another voluntarily, without charge]
RU SV шведский 1 перевод
- skänk (n v) [Something given to another voluntarily, without charge] (u)
- skicklighet (v n adj) [capacity to do something well] (u)
- begåvning (n v) [A talent or natural ability] (u)
- talang [marked ability or skill] (u)
- gåva (n v) [Something given to another voluntarily, without charge, something given liberally] (u)
- donation [a voluntary gift or contribution for a specific cause] (u)
- färdighet (v n adj) [capacity to do something well] (u)
- present [Something given to another voluntarily, without charge, something given liberally] (u)
RU CS чешский 1 перевод
- dar (n v) [Something given to another voluntarily, without charge, a gift; a ; a grant; a present, a voluntary gift or contribution for a specific cause, something with which a person or thing is endowed] {m}
- talent (n) [marked ability or skill]
- schopnost (v n adj) [capacity to do something well] {f}
- dobrodiní (n adj) [a gift; a ; a grant; a present]
- dárek (n v) [Something given to another voluntarily, without charge, something with which a person or thing is endowed]
- požehnání (n adj) [a gift; a ; a grant; a present] (n)
RU PL польский 1 перевод
- dar (n v) [A talent or natural ability, Something given to another voluntarily, without charge, a voluntary gift or contribution for a specific cause] {m}
- podarek (n v) [Something given to another voluntarily, without charge] {m}
- podarunek (n v) [Something given to another voluntarily, without charge] {m}
- prezent (n v) [Something given to another voluntarily, without charge] {m}
- talent (n v) [A talent or natural ability, marked ability or skill] {m}
- umiejętność (v n adj) [capacity to do something well] {f}
- darowizna (n) [a voluntary gift or contribution for a specific cause]
RU DA датский 3 переводов
RU BG болгарский 1 перевод
- дарение [a voluntary gift or contribution for a specific cause] {n} (darenie)
- дар [Something given to another voluntarily, without charge, a gift; a ; a grant; a present, a voluntary gift or contribution for a specific cause, something with which a person or thing is endowed] {m} (dar)
- подаряване [a voluntary gift or contribution for a specific cause] {n} (podarjavane)
- талант [A talent or natural ability, marked ability or skill] {m} (talánt)
- благодеяние (n adj) [a gift; a ; a grant; a present] (n)
- пода́рък (n v) [Something given to another voluntarily, without charge] (n v)
- дарба (n v) [A talent or natural ability] (n v)
RU HU венгерский 1 перевод
- adomány [a voluntary gift or contribution for a specific cause]
- ajándék [Something given to another voluntarily, without charge]
- tehetség [A talent or natural ability, marked ability or skill]
- adottság (n v) [A talent or natural ability]
- ügyesség (v n adj) [capacity to do something well]
- hozzáértés (v n adj) [capacity to do something well]
RU AF африкаанс 3 переводов
- gawe [A talent or natural ability]
- geskenk [Something given to another voluntarily, without charge]
- vaardigheid [capacity to do something well]
RU SL словенский 1 перевод
- donacija [a voluntary gift or contribution for a specific cause] {f}
- darilo [Something given to another voluntarily, without charge] {n}
- talent {m}
- dar (n v) [A talent or natural ability] {m}
- spretnost (v n adj) [capacity to do something well] {f}
- veščina (v n adj) [capacity to do something well] {f}
- talènt (n) [marked ability or skill] (n)
RU ZH китайский 1 перевод
RU HI хинди 1 перевод
- दान [a voluntary gift or contribution for a specific cause] (dān)
- कुशलता (v n adj) [capacity to do something well] {f} (kuśaltā)
- कौशल (v n adj) [capacity to do something well] {f} (kauśal)
- निपुणता (v n adj) [capacity to do something well] {f} (nipuṇtā)
- उपहार (n v) [Something given to another voluntarily, without charge] (n v)
RU JA японский 1 перевод
- プレゼント [Something given to another voluntarily, without charge] (purezento)
- ギフト [Something given to another voluntarily, without charge] (gifuto)
- 寄付 (n) [a voluntary gift or contribution for a specific cause]
- 技術 (v n adj) [capacity to do something well] (gijutsu)
- スキル (v n adj) [capacity to do something well] (sukiru)
- 才能 (n v) [A talent or natural ability, marked ability or skill] (n)
- 技能 (v n adj) [capacity to do something well] (n)
- 天才 (n v) [A talent or natural ability] (n)
- 贈り物 (n v) [Something given to another voluntarily, without charge] (n v)
- 寄贈 (n v) [Something given to another voluntarily, without charge] (n v)
- 天分 (n v) [A talent or natural ability] (n v)
RU VI вьетнамский 1 перевод
- tặng
- tài năng [marked ability or skill]
- sự tặng (n) [a voluntary gift or contribution for a specific cause]
- quà (n v) [Something given to another voluntarily, without charge] (n v)
- quà tặng (n v) [Something given to another voluntarily, without charge] (n v)
- quà biếu (n v) [Something given to another voluntarily, without charge] (n v)