RU русский словарь: упа́док
У слова «упа́док» есть 47 переводов в 14 языках
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переводы слова упа́док
- decline (n v) [downward movement, fall]
- decadence (n) [state of moral or artistic decline or deterioration]
- degradation (n) [act of reducing in rank, character, or reputation, or of abasing]
- decay (n v) [deterioration of condition]
RU ES испанский 1 перевод
- decadencia (n) [state of moral or artistic decline or deterioration] {f}
RU FR французский 4 переводов
- décadence (n) [state of moral or artistic decline or deterioration] {f}
- dégradation (n) [act of reducing in rank, character, or reputation, or of abasing] {f}
- déclin (n v) [downward movement, fall] {m}
- rétrogression (n) [decline]
RU PT португальский 4 переводов
- declínio (n v) [downward movement, fall] {m}
- decadência (n) [state of moral or artistic decline or deterioration] {f}
- degeneração (n) [diminution or reduction of strength, efficacy, or value; degeneration; deterioration, process or state of growing worse] {f}
- deterioração (n) [diminution or reduction of strength, efficacy, or value; degeneration; deterioration] {f}
RU IT итальянский 2 переводов
- decadenza (n) [state of moral or artistic decline or deterioration] {f}
- degenerazione (n) [process or state of growing worse] {f}
RU DE немецкий 1 перевод
- Fall (n v) [downward movement, fall] {m}
- Dekadenz (n) [state of moral or artistic decline or deterioration] {f}
- Entartung (n) [process or state of growing worse] {f}
- Degradierung (n) [act of reducing in rank, character, or reputation, or of abasing] {f}
- Rückschritt (n) [decline] (m)
- Sinken (n v) [downward movement, fall] (n v)
RU NL голландский 4 переводов
- afname (n v) [downward movement, fall] {m}
- verval (n v) [downward movement, fall] {n}
- achteruitgang (n v) [downward movement, fall] {m}
- terugval (n v) [downward movement, fall] {m}
RU SV шведский 1 перевод
- dekadans (n) [state of moral or artistic decline or deterioration] (u)
RU CS чешский 3 переводов
RU BG болгарский 1 перевод
- упа́дък (n) [state of moral or artistic decline or deterioration] (n)
- декаде́нтство (n) [state of moral or artistic decline or deterioration] (n)
- влошаване (n v) [deterioration of condition] (n v)
- западане (n v) [downward movement, fall] (n v)
- упадък (n) [act of reducing in rank, character, or reputation, or of abasing, diminution or reduction of strength, efficacy, or value; degeneration; deterioration, downward movement, fall] (n v)
- израждане (n) [process or state of growing worse] (n)
- понижаване (n) [act of reducing in rank, character, or reputation, or of abasing] (n)
- деградация (n) [act of reducing in rank, character, or reputation, or of abasing] (n)
RU HU венгерский 1 перевод
- hanyatlás (n v) [deterioration of condition]
- pusztulás (n v) [deterioration of condition] (n)
- romlás (n v) [deterioration of condition] (n v)
- elkorcsosulás (n) [process or state of growing worse] (n)
- degeneráltság (n) [process or state of growing worse] (n)
RU SL словенский 1 перевод
- dekadenca (n) [state of moral or artistic decline or deterioration] (n)
RU JA японский 3 переводов