RU русский словарь: упа́сть
У слова «упа́сть» есть 66 переводов в 18 языках
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переводы слова упа́сть
RU ES испанский 4 переводов
- descender (v n) [come down or descend, to decrease in value]
- caerse (v n) [move to a lower position under the effect of gravity]
- caer (v n) [move to a lower position under the effect of gravity, to decrease in value, to fall, to fall end over end]
- revolverse (n v) [to fall end over end]
RU FR французский 1 перевод
- descendre (v n) [come down or descend]
- tomber (v n) [come down or descend, move to a lower position under the effect of gravity, to fall, to fall to the ground]
- planter (n adj v) [computing: to terminate unexpectedly]
- dégringoler (n v) [to fall end over end]
- chuter (v n) [move to a lower position under the effect of gravity]
RU PT португальский 4 переводов
RU IT итальянский 1 перевод
- precipitare (n v) [to fall end over end]
- cadere (v n) [move to a lower position under the effect of gravity, to fall, to fall end over end]
- rovinare (n v) [to fall end over end]
- crollare (n v) [to fall end over end]
- ruzzolare (n v) [to fall end over end]
RU DE немецкий 1 перевод
- fallen (v n) [come down or descend, move to a lower position under the effect of gravity, to fall]
- abstürzen (n adj v) [computing: to terminate unexpectedly]
- stolpern (n v) [to fall end over end]
- umfallen (v) [to fall to the ground]
- niederfallen (v) [to fall to the ground]
RU NL голландский 1 перевод
- vallen (v n) [move to a lower position under the effect of gravity, to fall] {n}
- tuimelen (n v) [to fall end over end]
- dalen (n v) [to decrease in value]
- vastlopen (n adj v) [computing: to terminate unexpectedly]
- neervallen (v) [to fall to the ground]
RU SV шведский 3 переводов
RU CS чешский 2 переводов
RU PL польский 1 перевод
RU DA датский 2 переводов
RU BG болгарский 1 перевод
- падам (v n) [prostrate oneself, to fall] (pádam)
- сривам се (n adj v) [computing: to terminate unexpectedly] (n adj v)
- спадам (v n) [come down or descend, to decrease in value] (n v)
- понижавам се (v n) [come down or descend, to decrease in value] (n v)
- па́дам (v n) [move to a lower position under the effect of gravity] (v n)
RU HU венгерский 2 переводов
- esik (v n) [move to a lower position under the effect of gravity]
- bukfencezik (n v) [to fall end over end] (n v)
RU AF африкаанс 2 переводов
RU SL словенский 1 перевод
- pasti (v n) [move to a lower position under the effect of gravity]
RU HI хинди 2 переводов
RU JA японский 1 перевод
- 転ぶ (v n) [move to a lower position under the effect of gravity] (korobu)
- クラッシュする (n adj v) [computing: to terminate unexpectedly] (n adj v)
- 崩れる (v n) [move to a lower position under the effect of gravity] (v n)
- 落ちる (v n) [move to a lower position under the effect of gravity, to fall, to fall to the ground] (v)
- 落下する (v n) [move to a lower position under the effect of gravity] (v n)
- 降る (v n) [come down or descend] (v n)
- ひれふす (v n) [prostrate oneself] (v n)
RU VI вьетнамский 1 перевод