У слова «Đất» есть 70 переводов в 19 языках
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переводы слова Đất

VI RU русский 1 перевод
VI ES испанский 4 переводов
VI FR французский 3 переводов
  • terre [mixture of sand and organic material, one of the four basic elements, soil] {f}
  • sol (n v) [mixture of sand and organic material] {m}
  • Sol (pédologie)
VI IT итальянский 3 переводов
  • terra (proper n v) [one of the four basic elements, soil] {f}
  • suolo (n v) [mixture of sand and organic material] {m}
  • Suolo
VI PT португальский 3 переводов
  • terra (proper n v) [one of the four basic elements, soil] {f}
  • solo (n v) [mixture of sand and organic material, soil] {m}
  • Solo
VI NL голландский 2 переводов
  • grond (n v) [mixture of sand and organic material, soil] {m}
  • aarde (n v) [mixture of sand and organic material, one of the four basic elements, soil] {m}
VI SV шведский 2 переводов
  • jord (n v) [mixture of sand and organic material, one of the four basic elements, soil] (u)
  • Jord (mark)
VI DE немецкий 4 переводов
  • Grund (n v) [mixture of sand and organic material] {m}
  • Land (proper n v) [soil] {n}
  • Boden {m}
  • Erde (n v) [mixture of sand and organic material, one of the four basic elements, soil] {f}
VI CS чешский 4 переводов
  • hlína [soil]
  • země (n v) [mixture of sand and organic material, one of the four basic elements, soil] {f}
  • půda (n v) [mixture of sand and organic material]
  • Půda (pedologie)
VI PL польский 4 переводов
  • gleba (n v) [mixture of sand and organic material] {f}
  • ląd {m}
  • ziemia (n v) [mixture of sand and organic material, one of the four basic elements, soil] {f}
  • Gleba
VI DA датский 2 переводов
  • jord [mixture of sand and organic material, one of the four basic elements, soil]
  • Jord
VI BG болгарский 1 перевод
VI HU венгерский 4 переводов
VI AF африкаанс 2 переводов
  • aarde [one of the four basic elements, soil]
  • grond (n v) [mixture of sand and organic material]
VI SL словенский 4 переводов
  • prst [mixture of sand and organic material, soil] {m}
  • zemlja [mixture of sand and organic material, one of the four basic elements, soil] {f}
  • kopno {n}
  • Prst (pedologija)
VI ZH китайский 4 переводов
VI HI хинди 4 переводов
VI JA японский 3 переводов
  • [one of the four basic elements, soil]
  • 土壌 (n v) [mixture of sand and organic material, soil]
  • (n v) [mixture of sand and organic material, soil] (abbr)